Sample Essays

Midnight Drips Course package
by anonymous
Ranked 7.5

I twist and turn all night long, half-awake. I can hear the echoes of the dripping of the tap. It sounds so close, yet it is so far. It irritates me, the only thing between me and sleep. I try to distract myself, but ...

Drip... Drop...
by Comet
Ranked 7.0

Tappy sat on top of the sink, waiting to be turned on. He was a public toilet tap and he was always being treated roughly. Tappy tapped his feet impatiently hoping for a good customer at the tap. It was a quiet mornin...

No-Water World Course package
by MB
Ranked 6.97

P1: It was Sunday, and I was at a waterpark with my friends. Whoosh! I slid down. I went on many different water slides, big ones, twirly ones and wide ones. It was all fun until this moment. P2: I was about to g...

A leaking faucet Course package
by Happy RJ 😎😂😊
Ranked 6.5

Drip...Drop Staring at the leaking faucet, I suddenly felt ashamed to have caused such thing. Washing hands wasn't such simplicity as I had thought. Well, not a simplicity when washing my hands. Drip...Drop I...

Traces of War
by Leyton Chen
Ranked 5.0

I remembered when the tap was dripping clean water. There was always sunshine and happiness in my life until my monster released itself. Now the tap is dripping blood red water filled with mud and dirt. This was my f...

Drip…Drop… Course package
by Phoenix

In the bustling city of Metropolis, where innovation dripped from every skyscraper, resided Daniel, a brilliant inventor with a peculiar quirk. Daniel had the remarkable ability to invent gadgets insurmountable to oth...

The Plumbing Problem Course package
by Olly

The faulty kitchen tap had been dripping for days on end, no matter how hard we twisted it. Our house was very old, and Mum seemed pretty annoyed with the leak. Today, I saw her on her phone, talking to someone about ...

Leaky Tap
by Jessie Zhang
Ranked 5.0

Drip, drop. The tap in the kitchen was leaking tremendously, and trying to fix is was proven to be a difficult task. I tried to fix it for hours, until sleepiness and going to bed was the only thing my brain could thi...

The Dripping Tap
by Giang
Ranked 6.0

"Drip, drop..." It was 6 am in the morning when I heard the sound of the tap dripping. Rushing into the kitchen, I tried to turn the tap off as a drop of water slowly fell from its rim. I tried as hard as I could, ye...

The Leaking Tap Course package
by Jaden
Ranked 5.0

The tap dripped slowly. It dripped for days and days. Heaps of water were wasted and somebody had to do something about it. One day, Bob the plumber came. He peered at all the tap's angles and checked down the drain. ...

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