Sample Essays

Stars- A magical encounter
by 2wet6
Ranked 7.0

“Jess, you don’t want to be late for school!” Jess crawled out of bed weary-eyed, “Coming mum!” Jess quickly gulped down her porridge, and slung on her backpack. She was excited to venture to school and play soccer wi...

by Fatima Adnan
Ranked 7.0

'What?!' I screamed. I knew I had heard something outside but I certainly had not expected to see a purple cat with feathered wings and a unicorn horn! I didn't know what to do. The creature seemed happy, and not terr...

Strange Things in Ottawa Course package
by troy g
Ranked 7.0

It was a chilly day in Ottawa, Canada. I shivered as the fast winds made me feel even colder, however, in this invigorating weather, I saw something scurrying across the snow, it had grey fur and, a ringed tail. It wa...

The Roar
by Dj
Ranked 6.0

A roar pierced Vilem's ears. The sheer amount of noise created a barrier of sound, forcing him to get up from his bed and to start making preparations for the day. His room had been cast in beautiful patterns in the m...

The Mythical Dragon Course package
by anonymous
Ranked 5.0

One sunny morning, two brave adventurers went to go find the mythical dragons of jade mountain. They packed up for their legendary journey ahead, and started their never ending journey. First of all, they drove their ...

The magical creature. Course package
by (ʘ ͟ʖ ʘ)ohionyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy6pooooooooooooo

The trees swayed around in the wind. Dust flew around in a circular formation. A creature landed onto the ground. Thump! The creature landed on the ground, its golden scales glimmered in the sun. The tiny, but strong ...

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