Improve your writing skills and ace your test.

Our online writing improvement programs have been proven to help students get higher scores and have been used for:

  • General English language writing improvement
  • Selective school writing tests
  • Scholarship written expression exams
  • NAPLAN writing tests
  • IELTS General and Academic writing
Find out how you can improve your writing—the smart and easy way...

Bad writing leads to your school, job or migration application being REJECTED.

How many times have you or your child missed out on an amazing opportunity—like the perfect job, a scholarship or entry into your ideal school, just because of bad writing?

If you or your child haven't yet sat a writing exam, don't risk it—we get emails all the time looking for help AFTER someone has failed their exam (and not prepared for it), but at that point, it's just too late.

See how this REAL student's writing changed from one paragraph (fail) to a full essay with 4 paragraphs (pass) after we helped him prepare for a very important test:

Proof that writing club works! With REAL writing club student

Not everyone is so lucky.

Here are real life examples of people who have contacted us for help AFTER they have lost opportunities, just because of bad writing.

ielts-fail-goal-band-7-ielts selective-school-missed-out-test-rejection

Your success has to do with writing—when you apply for a job (application letter & resume), when you apply for migration to an English speaking country (IELTS) or when you want to get into that special school (there's likely to be a written expression exam).

English writing is a 21st century skill that is crucial for your success or your child's success.

But... many don't ever see their writing improve to the level they want, and need.

They waste time on the wrong classes, get the wrong tutor and don't get targeted help. It's a common problem we see:

Struggling to improve writing Writing improvement is hard

At Exam Success, we've made writing improvement easy with a learning program called Writing Club that focuses on practice, to help you or your child improve writing, step-by-step.

The program has proven success in helping people pass their exams and get entry into schools and jobs! In fact, Child Genius 2018 (SBS) competition winner, Nathan, used Exam Success' writing club - see the Sydney Morning Herald article here .

See more student reviews:

Exam Success Writing Club writing improvement review by Rakshana Exam Success Writing Club writing improvement review by Anoushka Exam Success Writing Club writing improvement review by Uma

How does writing club work?

  1. Choose a writing club program that suits your needs: Pro or Fundamentals. Pro focuses on enhancing writing skills, while Fundamentals supports students struggling with basic sentence structure.
  2. Purchase your chosen program and receive an email containing instructions to activate your writing club.
  3. Follow the activation details provided in the email to set up your writing club dashboard. This will populate your dashboard with writing prompts tailored to your chosen exam.
  4. Select a writing prompt from your dashboard that you find intriguing or want to practice.
  5. Write and submit your essay based on the chosen prompt.
  6. Receive your essay back, along with a score, revised version, and valuable feedback.
  7. Learn from the feedback provided and identify areas for improvement in your essay writing skills.
  8. Choose the next prompt from your dashboard and repeat the process, incorporating the lessons learned to enhance your writing abilities.

By following these steps, your child will have the opportunity to progressively improve their essay writing skills while benefiting from expert guidance and feedback.
Our online writing program is convenient and our students have seen real improvement. See how our students have improved their score:

Score improvement with writing club

Ready to improve your own writing or the writing of your child? See available writing club plans to get started.

Expert Feedback, Scoring & Writing Prompts and Sample Essays

Writing club combines expert feedback with writing practice aiming to help you improve your writing!

Explore real-life examples of how our expert feedback has helped students transform their writing:

Want to get real insight and improve your own writing? Find available writing club plans to get valuable expert writing help!

Embark on the journey of writing mastery with our Writing Club. Depending on the plan you select, students can enhance their writing skills through:

  • Thorough Written Feedback & Revised Essays - Benefit from our expert feedback that not only identifies areas of improvement in your essay but also provides a revised version of it. Learn how to improve your relation to the prompt, structure, and expression, and see how these enhancements look in practice with your revised essay.
  • General Scoring - Understand your writing caliber with our straightforward scoring system. Gain insight into your overall performance and know where you stand.
  • Masterclass Videos - Gain access to a library of 96 specific writing videos, designed to help you ace your writing test. These masterclasses cover everything from structure to expression, and some videos even offer printable templates for your convenience.
  • Exclusive Access to Sample Essays & Prompts - Uncover the secrets of a successful essay and learn to avoid common mistakes through our collection of sample essays written by real students, complete with review feedback. This insider access, as testified by parents and students, provides invaluable insights into successful writing strategies.

You can access writing club anywhere where there’s a device with Internet access. Access to writing club is through one price per cycle (a cycle is typically 31 days unless advised otherwise) and there are no lock-in contracts. We do not automatically deduct your card or extend your subscription. You have full control over whether you would like to extend and when to extend.

Improve your writing and get the score you need for school entry, job entry or migration!

>>  Find a Writing Club to Join Now  <<

Have more questions? Just check out the FAQs

Find a Writing Club Plan to Improve Your Writing.

Your writing improvement starts now! Writing Club is a flexible and convenient program where you only pay per cycle & you choose if/when to extend access.

Writing Club - Pro

Elevate your writing skills to the next level and achieve your best score with Writing Club - Pro!

This program is designed for students who have mastered the basics of English writing and are aiming to enhance their structure, organization, prompt relevance, and expression. It is perfect for those who have been writing for a while, scoring Bs in school or 6.5 in IELTS.

Prepare for a variety of writing exams with prompts from the following categories:

  • Selective and scholarship high school entrance exams for Grade 7 and Grade 9 (narrative and persuasive writing)
  • IELTS (General Training – Task 1 or Task 2)
  • Open response writing for Grade 7 entry (advice sheets, letters, etc.)
  • NAPLAN Grade 3, 5, 7, and 9 (persuasive and narrative styles)

What's included?

  • A fully revised written version of 5 essays, with a report highlighting 3 major improvement points, including examples to help you understand how to enhance your writing. See an example of this report here: CLICK HERE. Additionally, receive a general score from 1-10 for all essay categories (except for IELTS, where you'll receive a score from 0-9).
  • Unlimited access to a library of 96 masterclass videos (viewable online) while your Writing Club subscription is active. Browse the full listing of available masterclass videos here.

Please note that this plan does not include live online tutor-led writing club sessions or video feedback. The subscription cycle for this writing club is 31 days.

How does it work?

  1. Purchase the program and check your email for login details.
  2. Log in, choose your exam category, and receive writing prompts.
  3. Submit an essay for feedback and explore the masterclass video library.
  4. Incorporate the learning from feedback and videos into your next essay, and watch your writing improve!

Not sure which Writing Club is right for you? Send us an essay using the contact form below, with the message "Help: Writing Club Fundamentals or Pro." We'll review your essay and recommend the best Writing Club for your needs.

The price above is inclusive of 10% GST. If you are purchasing for use outside of Australia, at checkout, you'll be charged the amount without GST
$AU151.80 per cycle
Writing Club - Fundamentals

Unlock the secrets to improving your writing skills with the Writing Club - Fundamentals!

This program is designed for students who want to master the basics of English writing, such as enhancing vocabulary, crafting clear sentences, and refining grammar and spelling. It is ideal for those who are new to writing or for whom English is not their native language.

Prepare for a variety of writing exams with prompts from the following categories:

  • Selective and scholarship high school entrance exams for Grade 7 and Grade 9 (narrative and persuasive writing)
  • IELTS (General Training – Task 1 or Task 2)
  • Open response writing for Grade 7 entry (advice sheets, letters, etc.)
  • NAPLAN Grade 3, 5, 7, and 9 (persuasive and narrative styles)

What's included?

  • Detailed written feedback on 5 essays, with suggested corrections and definitions for 5 vocabulary words. See an example here: CLICK HERE. Additionally, receive a general score from 1-10 for all essay categories (except for IELTS, where you’ll receive a score from 0-9).
  • Unlimited access to a library of 96 masterclass videos (viewable online) while your Writing Club subscription is active. Browse the full listing of available masterclass videos here.

Please note that this plan does not include live online tutor-led writing club sessions or video feedback. The subscription cycle for this writing club is 31 days.
How does it work?

  1. Purchase the program and check your email for login details.
  2. Log in, choose your exam category, and receive writing prompts.
  3. Submit an essay for feedback and explore the masterclass video library.
  4. Incorporate the learning from feedback and videos into your next essay, and watch your writing improve!

Not sure which Writing Club is right for you?

Send us an essay using the contact form below, with the message "Help: Writing Club Fundamentals or Improvements." We'll review your essay and recommend the best Writing Club for your needs.

The price above is inclusive of 10% GST. If you are purchasing for use outside of Australia, at checkout, you'll be charged the amount without GST
$AU151.80 per cycle
Writing Club - Flex

Unlock Your Writing Potential with Writing Club - Flex: The Ultimate Program for Long-Term Writing Improvement.

Ready to take your writing skills to new heights?

Writing Club - Flex is your perfect partner for a transformative writing journey. This program is designed for students who want a longer lead time and more practice questions. The program is ideal for students who have a solid foundation in English writing and are eager to refine their structure, organization, prompt relevance, and expressiveness. It's ideal for those consistently scoring Bs in school or achieving a 6.5 in IELTS and are looking for a comprehensive program to help them excel.

Prepare for a variety of writing exams with prompts from the following categories:

  • Selective and scholarship high school entrance exams for Grade 7 and Grade 9 (narrative and persuasive writing)
  • IELTS (General Training – Task 1 or Task 2)
  • Open response writing for Grade 7 entry (advice sheets, letters, etc.)
  • NAPLAN Grade 3, 5, 7, and 9 (persuasive and narrative styles)

What's included?

  • A fully revised written version of 10 essays, with a report highlighting 3 major improvement points, including examples to help you understand how to enhance your writing. See an example of this report here: CLICK HERE. Additionally, receive a general score from 1-10 for all essay categories (except for IELTS, where you'll receive a score from 0-9).
  • Unlimited access to a library of 96 masterclass videos (viewable online) while your Writing Club subscription is active. Browse the full listing of available masterclass videos here.

Please note that this plan does not include live online tutor-led writing club sessions or video feedback. The subscription cycle for this writing club is 155 days.

How does it work?

  1. Purchase the program and check your email for login details.
  2. Log in, choose your exam category, and receive writing prompts.
  3. Submit an essay for feedback and explore the masterclass video library.
  4. Incorporate the learning from feedback and videos into your next essay, and watch your writing improve!

Not sure which Writing Club is right for you? Send us an essay using the contact form below, with the message "Help: Writing Club Fundamentals or Pro/Flex" We'll review your essay and recommend the best Writing Club for your needs.

The price above is inclusive of 10% GST. If you are purchasing for use outside of Australia, at checkout, you'll be charged the amount without GST
$AU308.00 per cycle

Writing Improvement Videos by Exam Success [FREE]

How to use the right tense for IELTS writing.

How to start sentences for IELTS letter writing.

How to 'show' not 'tell' in narrative / creative writing.

Written expression in selective tests (masterclass video).

Writing Club FAQs by Real People...

What are the terms and conditions of writing club?

You can find our general terms and conditions on the website and specifically, additional terms and conditions relating to reading and writing clubs can be found in the FAQs sections and here.

What are the delivery times on returning essay feedback? When can I expect to receive feedback on my essay that I submitted for ranking and feedback?

We're here to help you enhance your writing skills in a timely manner. Submit your essay and we'll provide you with detailed feedback within three business days. For example, if you submit your essay by 8pm (Melbourne/Sydney time) on any given day, you can expect your feedback by the same time on the third business day. Please note that if this day coincides with an Australian national public holiday, your feedback will be postponed to the next business day.
In urgent cases, don't hesitate to reach out to us - we'll do our utmost to accommodate your needs.

How does it work after I order?

After your order, you'll be sent an email with your log in details and instructions on how to get started.

Can this be only done for exams or can it be done for general improvement?

Writing Club can be done for general improvement aswell as exams. In fact, Writing Club can help you maintain and build up your writing skills over time. Remember writing is a creative skill and it takes time to build up this skill. Think about tennis, in order to improve, you keep practicing. It's the same with writing.

When should I start writing club compared to the date of my exam?

This really depends on your writing level. If you're getting Cs, I'd start at least a year before and if you're getting As then probably 2-3 cycles prior would be good. Remember, that Writing club is ongoing and writing improves with time so the earlier the better - you can also do it as regular program and extend each time.

How does access work?

Writing Club is accessed through a payment per cycle (a cycle period is usually 31 days unless advised otherwise). You pay for each cycle period of access.

Does my access to videos, practice sessions and writing feedback carry through if I don’t use them in that cycle?

No. Access is per cycle and by subscription. There are no carry overs.

Are there refunds if you don’t use your access?

Your subscription pays for access, not usage. After the end of the cycle period, your access stops and if you wish to renew, you just click on the extend access button and you can upgrade or downgrade your plan. Your subscription fees for the current cycle are generally non-refundable, subject to law.

What if I don’t need writing club for a specific cycle because I’m going on holidays? Can I pause it?

Of course! At the moment, writing club is paused after the cycle period ends. If you're on holidays, just don't click extend access for that next cycle.

What happens to my access if I pause or cancel?

If your plan is inactive (not extended), you will not be able to access any videos, practice sessions or writing ranking and feedback during the pause period. If you close your account, your learning plan will no longer be available.

How many masterclass videos are there to choose from and how long is each masterclass video?

There are 96 masterclass videos that you can choose from and each video is at least 30 minutes in duration. There will be 46 masterclass videos covering argumentative/persuasive writing, 46 masterclass videos cover creative writing and 1 masterclass video each on time strategy and major tips for each of NAPLAN Year 3 & 5, NAPLAN Year 7 & 9, Selective schools tests and scholarship test.

What happens with writing ranking and feedback? Is it anonymous?

Writing pieces, ranking and insights through Expert Writing Insights is publicly available, however, when you sign up, we allocate an anonymous username to your account so that you’re not publicly identified. You can change this name to anything you like as long as it is appropriate.

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