Get Success with Online Practice Tests

1000s of similar-to-your-exam practice test questions
with expert video explanations to help you truly
ACE your competitive exams in Australia and abroad.

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Practice Tests Developed by Experts

Incredibly Accurate

Our practice tests are updated regularly to reflect the content, format, and difficulty of authentic high school entrance exams, scholarship tests, and career aptitude tests so you can shine on test day.

Detailed Explanations

Easy-to-follow video explanations provide you with crucial tips and tricks need to successfully answer every question in 5 steps or less. Develop effective exam strategies and learn from directly from experts.

At your convenience

Gain immediate online access to all your sample questions right after purchase. Our practice tests work on mobile devices, tablets, and computers. Practice anywhere, anytime.

Exam Success' unique teaching test banks combines similar-to-your-exam practice test questions with step-by-step 'how-to-answer' video answers by experts.


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Prepare Smarter and Score Higher.

70% Of Students Fail Their Competitive Exams. Here’s Why...

Tests and exams are designed to be hard because the level of competition for elite schools & jobs is fierce.

  • 5% selection rate (5 in 100 applicants) for scholarships - prominent private school 'The King's School' offers scholarships to around 20 families and there are around 400 applicants (Sydney Morning Herald, 2019)
  • 7 in 10 will miss out as almost 15,000 students tried for 4250 spots in NSW selective schools in 2019 (Sydney Morning Herald, 2018)
  • 118 people on average apply for 1 job and only 23 people get an interview only (Forbes)

In addition to challenging you with a specific format and unique types of questions, competitive exams will also test your skills in multiple study areas that you didn’t learn at school, such as:

  • abstract reasoning / non-verbal reasoning
  • verbal reasoning
  • numerical reasoning
  • verbal reasoning
  • written expression (narrative / persuasive / discussion / opinion / report writing etc...)
  • mathematics
  • reading comprehension

And as if the idea of sitting an exam wasn't stressful enough, all competitive exams are highly time-pressured.

Taking an exam, whether it be a selective school test, scholarship exam, career aptitude test like the ADF or Police exam or a specialist exam like IELTS - is like trying to win a race. You not only have to answer test questions correctly, but you also have to do them super quickly!

Many people hope that they would be one of the lucky few that get a dream job or a school offer. However, luck doesn't play a part but... good test preparation will! And the right test prep will help you get that dream school or job offer.

Get the right test prep. See test banks for your exam now

Four Reasons Your Standard Test Prep Doesn’t Work

Whether you're studying for an ADF Aptitude Test, selective school entrance exam, high school placement test (HSPT), grammar or catholic school selection test, or scholarship exam, you probably won't be surprised to hear that preparing beforehand and drilling exam practice questions are crucial to success.

But what many people don't realize is that how they prepare for the test day is as important as the process of practicing.

You see, there are a lot of free practice tests online. But there are many problems with these free sample test papers. To name the few:

  1. They are too generic/too easy
  2. They are outdated
  3. They lack explanations - the key to better test performance
  4. They don't imitate real-life test environment

With these generic practice tests, you or your child waste time, energy, and patience without increasing the chances to get into the lucky 30% who ACE their competitive exams and have the world of opportunities opened up to them.

In short, you are caught by surprise when you see the exam paper. You haven't seen these types of test questions before. And you don't know how to work against the clock, which means you're unlikely to even get to the end of the test paper before the bell rings.

Don't risk it! Prepare and ace your exam

Imagine Your Test Day Looked Like This…

You wake up on a test day, calm and stress-free because you know what the exam will look like.

You're confident when you see the exam paper in front of you. There are no surprises because you've seen these types of questions before and practiced them over and over.

You're not scared of time constraints. You can solve each problem accurately and fast because you know effective techniques on how to deal with each type of question.

What you need is a foolproof method to come prepared and ace your exams. You need Exam Success' Teaching Test Banks.

Exam Success has invented a better way to prepare for competitive tests through over 9 years of experience - our Teaching Test Bank gives you reliable online practice test questions with expert video solutions, designed to make your test prep easy and stress-free.

See available test banks for your exam

Don’t take our word for it.
Read why successful students choose Exam Success...

I just wanted to say a BIG THANK YOU! your ADF aptitude test online was a great help. I passed my YOU Session and got all my job preferences!!! ~ Emma T. sat ADF You Session Aptitude Test (2020)

...absolutely loves it...the thing is the Exam success really really helped him. Jaze has gotten into [selective school in WA] ~ Sonny, parent of Jaze (2019)

Read more reviews

How Our Online Practice Tests Work

Step 1. Select your exam

Choose from 20+ teaching test banks. Get practice test questions with video solutions created by experts for a host of high school entrance exams, selective school tests, scholarship exams and career aptitude tests such as those required for high-paying jobs in the Defence Force.

Step 2. Complete purchase

Once you’ve selected your exam, click the 'Buy Now' button. Enter your email, billing address, and payment details. Your payment is secure - we use a PCI Level 1 payment processor which is the best-in-class and provides the highest form of security.

Step 3. Access immediately

Get immediate online access to your practice test questions for a set period, usually this is 31 days after purchase date.

Step 4. Practice & Review

Practice at your own pace or against the clock. Review the comprehensive answers and in-depth video explanations to learn from your mistakes and improve your score.

Step 5. ACE your exams

Well done. Time to celebrate!

Expert-Created Practice Test Questions & Video Solutions at an Affordable Monthly Price

Get a head start on your exams with affordable tailor-made practice test questions & solutions videos created by experts.

We carefully analyze selective test papers, ACER/Edutest scholarship past papers, and career aptitude tests from previous years to cover all the study areas you or your child needs to practice to secure their future in the school/job of their dreams.

See teaching test banks available now for your exam and specific subjects areas like abstract reasoning and reading comprehension.

Victorian Selective Schools - Melb High, Macrob, Suzanne Cory and Nossal (Year 9 Entry) - Teaching Test Bank

Start practicing for your Victorian Selective Schools - Melb High, Macrob, Suzanne Cory and Nossal (Year 9 Entry) and get 450 online multiple-choice questions to assist you in preparing for the Victorian Selective Schools test format for Year 9 entry (sit the exam in Year 8).

Questions are split up into:

  • Reading Comprehension - 150 sample test questions.
  • Verbal Reasoning - 150 sample test questions.
  • Numerical Reasoning - 150 sample test questions.

Please note that mathematics is not included in this test bank.

The teaching test bank combines 450 online practice questions (option to use timed or untimed practice mode) with a 'how-to' video to show your child how to answer the question in 5 steps or less for each question.

Want a free trial to see if Teaching Test Bank is right for you? Click here to try out Teaching Test Bank - for free.

On purchase, your subscription will be activated straight away and expires in 31 days from activation.

Once your subscription expires, you can choose to extend it any time for only $30.80 for 31 days.

One month access
The price above is inclusive of 10% GST. If you are purchasing for use outside of Australia, at checkout, you'll be charged the amount without GST

Want to try it out (for free) first?

Try out our sample practice test package for free. 40 sample questions, 1-month access.
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Who we are

Exam Success offers highly effective and easy-to-understand study materials that help students build study skills, master effective exam strategies, and develop confidence for their important exam day.

Created by experts, Exam Success is your one-stop-shop for your best test preparation, ever.

More about us

Have More Questions?

Check out the FAQs from Real Customers

31 day access is provided. How do we extend that for another month and at what price? — On the test bank description page, the access period is stated (as access periods vary depending on the exam). Once your access period expires, there is a button where you can click on if you wish to extend your purchase. The price for extension is shown on each test bank description.

The questions are too easy / too hard... — This is a matter of perspective - a question may seem hard to one person while to another person, the same question is easy. We allocate questions based on what we believe best reflect the level expected and higher. Some exams may have a higher level of difficulty. For example, scholarship tests are often much more difficult than NAPLAN tests and usually have questions that are 1-2 levels higher than student's current year level so that schools can select the highest performing students. Therefore, our questions reflect this as students are often rewarded for being able to complete the difficult questions rather than the easy questions. We have to have a wide variety of questions to really prepare your child for what they may see in the exam.

How similar are the questions that i'll see in the test? — We have no control over what the exam will set when you sit it as they are free to change up the ‘types’ of questions. However, what we can control is the ability to provide you with sample exam questions that provide you with greater familiarisation over questions that you may see in your exam. Past students and experts who have sat the exam before contribute questions to our test bank and where suitable we have created questions along the same logic / concept that is being tested so that you can ACE your exams. Most importantly, our expert solutions help you develop question answer strategies that are transferable so that you can apply for future questions (even those that you haven't seen before).

Can you download the solutions videos and questions? — No. The videos are not to be downloaded onto your personal device. The test bank and associated videos can only be viewed on the website during a valid subscription period. The questions are all online and are not in a format for paper printing. Our content is for personal use only.

Have more questions? Please let us know on the contact form below.

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