Writing Club Videos

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Editing: Avoiding Repetition

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Repetition can enhance your writing and if used incorrectly, it can seriously impair it. Learn how to use it properly in order to boost your writing scores and when you should pare it back.
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Editing: Fixing up Clumsy Expression

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Clumsy and awkward expression is confusing to read - and means that you lose marks in your all-important test. Learn step-by-step how to fix up your expression so that your writing is clearer.
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Editing: How to Pick up Mistakes

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Do you know how to proof read your work? This isn't a trick question. There is actually a method you can use (a former boss shared this amazing tip with me) and I want to share it with you in this video.
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Editing: How to Start Editing

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If you don't edit your work, I believe that you're missing out on 20% of the marks you could have scored Here is how you can start editing your creative writing piece (for those who've never edited before—and for those who have, but don't have a step-by-step way to do it!)
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Editing: Removing unnecessary details

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Removing information that creates confusion to your readers has the positive action of enhancing your writing. This video will show you how to pinpoint areas of confusion and banish them from your writing—forever.
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Expression: "Sound" words like "Boom!"

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Onomatopoeia—that's the official word for words that "sound" like "boom" and "bang". The video will teach you how to use onomatopoeia effectively in your writing piece and introduce you to a range of onomatopoeia words.
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Expression: Accuracy

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Do your sentences try to "show" a feeling but when someone reads it, it sounds jumbled up? Finally, learn how to improve the accuracy of your sentences using a simple process I like to call, "Basic and Expansion".
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Expression: Balance

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Do you use heaps of adjectives? Overdoing it can overwhelm your audience and not using any description can make your writing sound bland. Learn how to strike that perfect balance (and score maximum marks).
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Expression: Connecting words

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A common mistake is using the wrong connecting word in a sentence. When it happens multiple times in your writing piece, it can make your writing sound awkward or clumsy. This video will go through common mistakes made so that you can avoid them.
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Expression: How to show the feeling of courageousness

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Showing, not telling, is the difference between an average writing piece and a creative writing piece that scores top marks. In this video, you'll learn how to show for a particular emotion: courageousness.
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