Selective School/Scholarships - Grade 7 - Open Response Writing

Open response writing requires students to craft a piece to meet a particular purpose - it could be to provide advice, report on an incident, provide a witness statement, provide an opinion, persuade, tell a story etc...

The NSW Selective High School Placement Test's writing test is an open response writing test. This means that you may be required to write in any particular style they request of you. Example papers have shown prompts that require students write an advice/guidance sheet or a newspaper report.

Our prompts cover various types of genres such as advice/guidance sheet, memoirs, reports, letters etc... and our scoring rubric considers the higher level skills such as creativity of ideas, quality of thought in terms of catering written communication for purpose and audience. Additionally, our scoring rubric also considers how students relate to the prompt and the basics in writing such as good grammar, spelling, sentence structure, punctuation and vocabulary.

QUESTION 001 - Catering to different dietary requirements

Your teacher has asked you to d…

QUESTION 002 - Local transport options

Your neighbourhood has implemen…

QUESTION 003 - Major local event

Each year, there is a major loc…

QUESTION 004 - New club formation

Your school is looking at allow…

QUESTION 005 - Using technology safely and appropriately

**Using technology safely and a…

QUESTION 006 - Who is your hero?

As part of a school project, yo…

QUESTION 007 - Damaged item

You recently purchased an item …

QUESTION 008 - Life updates

A close relative has moved over…

QUESTION 009 - Will you get that promotion?

Your sporting team has been doi…

QUESTION 010 - A farewell gift

A classmate is leaving to move …

QUESTION 011 - Cleaning up

Recently, you’ve noticed there …

QUESTION 012 - Deforestation

A large company is building an …

QUESTION 013 - An excursion

Your class is planning an excur…

QUESTION 014 - New game

You and a friend have invented …

QUESTION 015 - Emergency processes

A number of new students have j…

QUESTION 016 - Healthy choices

Your younger sibling has just t…

QUESTION 017 - Suggestions for improvement

You visited a restaurant and re…

QUESTION 018 - An appeal

You were recently suspended fro…

QUESTION 019 - Hire me, please

You are seeking employment at a…

QUESTION 020 - A situation

You visit the local library eve…

QUESTION 021 - School holiday program

You are enrolled in a school ho…

QUESTION 022 - Safety protocol

You attended a theme park and n…

QUESTION 023 - A school project

You’re completing a school proj…

QUESTION 024 - Sharing news

You just got a new pet and want…

QUESTION 025 - Condolences

A close friend has just receive…

QUESTION 026 - An apology

You borrowed a fiction book fro…

QUESTION 027 - Raising funds for a good cause

Your workplace is looking to in…

QUESTION 028 - Introductions

A new employee has just started…

QUESTION 029 - An award

You have just received an award…

QUESTION 030 - Planning a celebration

Your parents will be celebratin…

QUESTION 031 - Expressing appreciation

You have been unwell and away f…

QUESTION 032 - Stress management

You have been asked to help stu…

QUESTION 033 - You want something?

Write the dialogue of a convers…

QUESTION 034 - An overnight success

Imagine you have just invented …

QUESTION 035 - A bad day

Write a memoir about a bad day …

QUESTION 036 - Betrayal

Write a memoir about a time you…

QUESTION 037 - A strange encounter

Write a memoir about a strange …

QUESTION 038 - A childhood experience

Write a memoir about a childhoo…

QUESTION 039 - A road/pathway

Write a descriptive essay about…

QUESTION 040 - Something old

Write a descriptive essay about…

QUESTION 041 - A time of year

Write a descriptive essay about…

QUESTION 042 - A sunset

Write a descriptive essay about…

QUESTION 043 - Admiration

Write a descriptive essay about…

QUESTION 044 - Flowers for friendship

Write a sales letter to be dist…

QUESTION 045 - A holiday park

You run a holiday park and you …

QUESTION 046 - The local business

Write a sales letter to be dist…

QUESTION 047 - Homemade goods

Write a sales letter to be dist…

QUESTION 048 - Pop-up bakery

Your school is organising a pop…

QUESTION 049 - A business for social good

You run a business that sells t…

QUESTION 050 - A film review

Write a film review of a film o…

QUESTION 051 - Clothing and wearables

Write a review on a piece of cl…

QUESTION 052 - A play

Write a review about a recent p…

QUESTION 053 - A kitchen appliance

Write a review about a new kitc…

QUESTION 054 - Local newspaper report

Your local newspaper has asked …

QUESTION 055 - A change to school privileges

Your school has decided to disa…

QUESTION 056 - Neighbourhood incident

An incident has occurred in you…

QUESTION 057 - The sale of soft drinks

Your local council has decided …

QUESTION 058 - Climate change

Climate change is purported to …

QUESTION 059 - Promotion of health products

Influencers or people with a ce…

QUESTION 060 - Quotas

In Australia, less than 20% of …

QUESTION 061 - Social media moderation

There have been reported instan…

QUESTION 062 - Mobile phones

Mobile phones are used by many …

QUESTION 063 - A democratic society

Many countries follow a democra…

QUESTION 064 - What is teamwork?

Teamwork is often considered to…

QUESTION 065 - The effect of truancy

Truancy, that is when a student…

QUESTION 066 - What is humility?

Humility, and having a humble m…

QUESTION 067 - The negative effects of social media

“Social media can have a negati…

QUESTION 068 - Paid leave

“Some companies offer paid pate…

QUESTION 069 - Viewing limits

“There should be a limit on how…

QUESTION 070 - Everyone's responsibility

“Challenging racism is everyone…

QUESTION 071 - School uniforms

“Many schools have strict dress…

QUESTION 072 - Female superheroes

"Female superheroes can play an…

QUESTION 073 - The beginning

Use the image to write the begi…

QUESTION 074 - The ending

Look at the following word prom…

QUESTION 075 - The middle

Use the image to write the midd…

QUESTION 076 - The beginning 2

Look at the following word prom…

QUESTION 077 - The ending 2

Use the image to write the endi…

QUESTION 078 - The middle 2

Look at the following image and…

QUESTION 079 - The beginning 3

Look at the following image and…

QUESTION 080 - A weather event

Your local newspaper has asked …

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