Olympics- Good or Bad?
by Jane

The Olympics has been has been a sporting tradition for a long time. From a few thousand years ago to today, we still have those Greek sporting games. But are the Olympics a waste of money, and do they cause more trouble than benefits? Of course not! In fact, if we stop the Olympics, that would cause trouble, not the Olympics.

Firstly, people all around the world enjoy watching the Olympics. Some people even travel to the Olympics Stadium to the sportsmen and women perform there live. If there were no Olympics, then everyone would be disappointed. For example, Olympic fans would turn into riots in order to protest.

Furthermore, athletes don't play sports for nothing. just like everyday jobs, they get paid, otherwise they wouldn't be an athlete. If there's no Olympics, athletes would have to find new jobs, and they would have spent their training from young wasted.

In conclusion, I with no doubt disagree that the Olympics is a waste of money and cause more trouble than provide benefits because people all around the world like the Olympics and athletes need to get paid.

Word count: 184
submitted over 8 years ago

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