Two Practice Exam Sample Q & A for context writing on the subject of Encountering Conflicting using the Crucible as an example

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Useful for Students wishing to see a model response and to gain advice on how best to structure a response to
a prompt and incorporate ideas of context and text.

This document consists of 7 pages (created in 2012) containing 2 sample responses for VCE Area of Study Unit 2: Creating and
presenting based on the text, The Crucible. One of the responses is written in an expository form, the
other in a persuasive form. Alongside each response is a series of notes containing a summary of
the key elements that make each response strong which may be emulated by students.
Table of Contents
Sample response 1: Persuasive (The Crucible)
Prompt: “Conflict can be a catalyst for change.”
Sample response 1: Notes
Sample response 2: Expository (The Crucible)
Prompt: “While individuals may respond to conflict in a number of ways, conflict inevitably builds
character for all those involved.”
Sample response 2: Notes
Created by SN, 99.30 in 2004, individual subject score in English


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