Mathematics Unit 2 revision notes for the HSC Mathematics Exam

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This paper can be used by students who want to practice forYear 12 HSC
Mathematics exam (note this document was created in 2012).

This document contains a numerous notes to HSC Mathematics. Please note that these notes are
It contains:
Topic 1: Basic Arithmetic and Algebra
Topic : Function & Coordinate Geometry
Topic 3: Trigonometry
Topic 4: Series and Applications
Topic 5: The Quadratic Polynomial and the Parabola
Topic 6: Differentiation
Topic 7: Integration
Topic 8: The Trigonometric Functions
Topic 9: Logarithmic & Exponential Functions
Topic 10: Applications of Calculus to the Physical World
Created by C.L, ATAR of 99.45
This document contains 34 pages.


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