Writing Club Videos

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Structure: An Ending to Remember

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Learn how to write an ending that so memorable that it leaves your reader (and assessor) satisfied with your writing piece. This video will go through how you can craft an exceptional final paragraph.
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Structure: Characters

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Characters are important to our story but when do you have too many characters? When is your character not developed? This video goes through how to successfully incorporate the right characters in your story.
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Structure: Coming up with a storyline

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Does your mind goes blank when you're asked to come up with a story? Mine does! In this video, I show you a number of simple tricks to help you come up with a story line.
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Structure: Development

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Developing your storyline is more than just a vague main event. Learn a process to develop your storyline so you can consistently write interesting stories with meaning.
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Structure: Events Per Paragraph

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How any events should you include in a paragraph before your writing becomes confusing? This video will show you how you can plan events so that your paragraphs are clear and convey the feeling you want across to your readers.
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Structure: How to Plan To Save Time

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Planning is a secret weapon in creative writing. Why? It saves time and helps focus your writing. Learn how to do planning the straightforward (and timesaving) way. By the way, it's not the "beginning, middle, end" stuff you learn at school.
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Structure: Length

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Don’t know how much to write for your creative written expression? Don't know how many words to include per paragraph? This video guides you as to ideal word length and sentences.
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Structure: Main Event

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The main event is what your readers anticipate when they read your piece. A main event that isn't developed leads to a disappointed reader (and exam assessor). Make your main event a winner with tips from this video.
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Structure: Punctuation that Packs a Punch!

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Punctuation can create excitement, hesitation, fear… but often, it's not used to its full potential. Why? Because many think that it's really just for 'breathing space'. This video will help you start using punctuation creatively—for maximum impact, of course!
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Structure: Relationship to the prompt

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You've got great expression and structure but your writing doesn't relate to the prompt = easy marks lost. Learn how to weave references to the prompt into your writing piece so that your writing piece answers the question.
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